Friday 12 June 2015

Starting on the Parking Lot Garden

Today, we started to lower the level of the subsoil in the Parking Lot Garden in preparation of adding the cardboard, 5-way soil mix and mulch starting tomorrow. As you can see, we will surround each manhole cover with riverstone to deter soil from washing into the drain.

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Not what we would have expected, and definitely not what would be an asset at Riel House - a deer. We have noticed some "trimming" of foliage. The photo was taken by one of the Riel House interpreters. Must have come up from the river and cut through the neighbourhood.

Kitchen Garden Planted!

The Kitchen Garden is now planted. We have two asparagus plants from 2013 that are sufficiently mature so that any new shoots can now be harvested. It would be good if we could plant more asparagus to be ready for harvest in 2017.

Cucumbers and CBC

Today we planted cucumbers in Beds 17 and 18, and cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage (CBC) in Beds 19 20. In these and the rest of the beds in the Produce Garden, we will continue to space plants with our four-foot grids, but from a cost perspective, not plant as intensively as the Square Foot Gardening practice recommends.

Monday 8 June 2015

Corn and Potatoes Planted

The corn is completely planted in Beds 1 - 8.
The potatoes are completely planted in Beds 9 - 16.