Saturday, 8 August 2015

Challenges with the Parking Lot Garden

Not only do we have challenges with the slope and drainage of the Parking Lot Garden, we have "awareness" issues - some drivers are just unaware of their surroundings. How can you go the wrong way in a parking lot and across the non-paved areas at the same time? 

We added a fourth barrier on the north side to slow down water flowing east to west.The first three barriers seem effective in reducing the speed of the water and the scouring of the mulch and soil from the north side of the bed. On the south side of the bed, you will see three "waves" of mulch created by the scouring action of the water. A curb around the entire bed may help to protect the mulch.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

July Weather

We have had eight inches (200mm) more rain than in 1886. And, in spite of the mulching that we do, we still need to water. I cannot believe that anything grew in 1886.
Temperature highs are pretty consistent with 1886. Notice our lows. Global warming?
 See References for April, May, June and July comparisons.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Growing, growing . . .

At last, we are staring to see some results in the garden:
Cucumber - 4 August 2015
 I do not recall in prior years if any of our cucumber plants ever bore fruit.
Tomato in the Kitchen Garden - 4 August 2015
Tassels on Bloody Butcher - 4 August 2015

 At last! and the plants are between ten and eleven feet high right now.